Opinion: DOORS 9

Last week Telelogic sent out a last-minute announcement that they were holding a Webinar detailing features of DOORS 9. According to the hosts of the Webinar, this was one of their biggest Web events yet, with about 200 attendees. I’ve been holding off on writing my opinion of this seminar …

Telelogic Acquired by IBM

IBM has officially acquired Telelogic. I’m curious as to whether you all think this is a good thing or a bad thing? I’m personally optimistic and really hope that with IBM’s huge resources that they can really take DOORS to the next level. I’m also hoping some of Telelogic’s antiquated …

White Papers Galore

For those of you who couldn’t attend the US 2007 UGC conference, I thought I would pass along some information that was provided to those who did. Telelogic has posted the white papers from this year’s conference here: http://www.telelogic.com/campaigns/2007/ugc/agenda_postevent.cfm?region=us Not all white papers will be posted due to some companies …

Live from Atlanta

I am writing this from Atlanta, GA, site of 2007’s Telelogic User Group Conference. If any of you see me, please don’t hesitate to come up to me and say hi. Also, I will be presenting my white paper, “Using DOORS to Update and Configure DOORS Clients” on Tuesday afternoon. …


I know updates have been sparse for the past few weeks. That’s because I’ve been working on a redesign for the site and a new feature. A feature that I hope will be highly utilized. You can find snippets of DXL all over the place, but you can’t just go …