Read this is you’re upgrading from RTC 4.x to 5.0 using Oracle

I just encountered a nasty bug in Rational Team Concert 5.0 where, if workspaces or components were created in RTC 4.x, they component couldn’t be found (error 400). You could create a new workspace, but any changes you had pending couldn’t be viewed, and neither could changeset history and the …

So long, RRC! Welcome RDNG!

Anyone who has downloaded the milestone release of Rational Requirements Composer 5.0 may have noticed that in the help documentation, Rational Requirements Composer does not have its own help section. DOORS Next Generation, however, does. When version 5.0 of the Jazz suite gets released in June, RRC will be no …

IBM Jazz CLM 4.0.6 Released

Head to the 4.0.6 downloads page and grab the latest release. When CLM 4.0.5 was released I listed all of the enhancements in one page. This new release (which includes Rational Jazz Foundation, Rational DOORS Next Generation, Rational Team Concert, and Rational Quality Manager) appears to address bug fixes and …

IBM Jazz 4.0.5 Released

IBM just released IBM Jazz 4.0.5. While you can download 4.0.5 now, I thought I’d cover some compelling reasons to do so. What’s new in Jazz Team Server 4.0.5 You can limit the amount of time that a report runs — good for stopping reports that take too long or …

Free Private Source Code Hosting on JazzHub

From now until the end of 2013, registering on IBM’s JazzHub allows free hosting of source code for public and private projects. This was just announced so I haven’t been able to dive in head first on this, but JazzHub seems to be an implementation of Rational Team Concert in …