Innovate 2012: Mobile Application Development on Mac OS with IBM Rational Team Concert

speakers name coming soon…speakers are from InnovaMD


These are my opinions…blah blah blah…IBM does not endorse them…blah blah blah…my interpretations are likely not entirely 100% accurate, but maybe they are…blah blah.

Overview / Summary

I got here a few minutes late. Too much partying last night I guess.

The first few slides are all about Application Lifecycle Management (ALM). Nothing new.

They use Appcelerator Titanium Software, which is a complete Eclipse-based IDE that centralizes and simplifies the mobile development process for several platforms such as iOS, Android, and Mobile Web. Helps developers write applications simultaneously for multiple platforms.

A lot of slides showing how they work with RRC and RTC are shown. Nothing really new or interesting to anyone who is already familiar with RTC.

They show some screenshots for Titanium. Basically they develop in Javascript and it produces native code for iOS and Android.

They run test case scripts that developers can monitor to see if they pass or fail using RQM. An audience member asked, “Is all your testing manual testing,” and the answer is yes–you can’t really run automated testing against the emulator and it’s best to test on the device itself and not the emulator (Note: as a fellow iOS developer I can attest to this!).

A demo is run, using a Mac, and Chrome as the browser. I dig seeing a presentation on a Mac here. I think it’s the first time I’ve seen this.

It also looks like the demo is being run on the actual production server that the company uses through the company’s VPN! This is refreshing because I know this is REAL data running on a REAL system. Just fantastic. Unfortunately, midway through, the VPN connection went down (actually I think the wifi provided had issues)…so they went into the Titanium Studio application.

My Thoughts

Obviously, even though the network went down, I loved the live production demo. Just awesome. The developer guy who spoke was not a good speaker, but he did know his stuff as evident by how he answered the questions. I also like seeing Apple development sessions here.

This is also the first time I’ve seen a live demo of RRC and RTC, and there is something to be said about not having to switch applications in order to view requirements and work items and code. It’s very convenient, and IBM should really push how efficient this is. It’s too bad that all these components are sold separately. Perhaps they should look at creating an ALM-only package, the way Adobe did with Photoshop (you can no longer buy Photoshop outright, you must buy it as part of a bundle). This strategy would allow customers to easily start using IBM’s ALM tools, making the purchase easier to justify to management, and keep them on IBM’s development platform. And because it runs on multiple OSes, IBM can sell to a wide range of customers.

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