Import from Excel
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Version: posted by David.Pechacek on July 28, 2008.Categories: Importers
Downloaded 10264 times.***You will need my Excel Functions files also available on this site!***
If you are getting an error from missing or other missing functions, redownload the Excel functions library. I removed the need for it and changed some other things. I apologize for the mistake.
****************Updated 12/04/08 for bug fix*****************
This tool is designed to be used to import data directly from an Excel spreadsheet, into a DOORS module. It offers many of the same features and feel of the DOORS spreadsheet import tool. In addition, it also features the ability to import Rich Text, create DOORS Object Level, and auto-update the key that is selected to uniquely identify each row/object in Excel/DOORs.
Selecting to import Rich Text will pop up a dialog box asking what the user wishes to do in the event of a truncation involving rich text. This can occur when a cell has over 1024 characters in it. Be aware that even when not importing rich text, cells with over 1024 characters will truncate. The options are to maintain the rich text formatting despite the truncation, copy the non-RTF value of the cell, or to cause the import to fail at the first truncation. The option to log truncation errors to a file is also present.
In order to import Object Level during the import, the user must select to create new objects. When they do this and select to import the level, they are given a warning message. Once they confirm the selection, the Auto-Update Key option is automatically selected. This is because the script must ensure that the proper identifier for the object is in the Excel file when the level is created (this mainly applies when the Object Identifier is the key).
The user also has three choices on how to tell the import tool the number of rows and columns in the Excel file. They can use the Print Area recorded in Excel if it is set. Or they can have the tool count down and to the right from the upper left cell in the sheet. It stops once a blank cell is reached so the user must ensure there are no blanks in the first column and row until there should be. The final option is to manually enter the number of rows and columns in the file, including the column header.
Finally, the user is able to specify which Sheet of the Excel file data is to be imported from. The tool can either use the Active Sheet when the file is opened, or it can use the sheet that is specified by the name the user enters. The import does not work across multiple sheets.
Any questions, issues, or improvements can be emailed to me at I also appreciate feedback so please leave comments.
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