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Granting/Removing Access for Multiple Items and Multiple Users/Groups

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Version: 28 May 2008 posted by Scott on May 20, 2008.
Categories: Administration
Downloaded 2664 times.
On occassion I've had the need to apply the same permissions to multiple "Items" in the DOORS database. Going through one by one can be time consuming, so I started on this a while a back and I've finally had a few minutes to finish it up today.

Basically the script will allows you to select multiple users/groups and apply the same permissions for all selected users/groups to multiple items (modules, folders, etc) at the same time.

By default the the script will automatically load the items that are currently selected in the DOORS Explorer as items to have permissions set in the Selected Items list. If an item is locked it will appear with the deleted icon for the appropriate item type and will not be processed.

Once the dialog opens there are buttons to add and remove items. To remove an item select it in the Selected Items list and click the "Remove Item(s)" button. The "Add Items(s)" button will bring up another dialog (Add Items) with the database tree, double click on the items you wish to add and they will be placed in the list view on the right. Click the "Add Items" button and they will be added to the "Selected Items" list on the main DB.

The list on the top left contains the user names in the database, the list on the top right contains the group names in the database. Use shift + click to select multiple users or groups. Both lists can be sorted by clicking on the column header. Not sure why but I could never get the user list to sort by the User (i.e. their real name) it will only sort by the first column.

Select the access rights you wish to assign, using the checkboxes in the bottom left. This works the same way as the DOORS access rights checkboxes with one exception. There is an added checkbox, "Remove". When selected the the "Remove" checkbox will remove the selected users/groups from the access list of the selected items.

Click the "Apply" button to apply access right for the seleted users/groups to the selected items.

The "Set Inherited" button will set the the selected items to inherit their permissions from their parent (i.e. select the "Inherit from parent" check box).

I think its pretty obvious, but I'll mention it anyway, you need to have permissions to grant/remove access to the items to use this script.

If you have any questions, please fee free to e-mail me.

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