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Create Link Sets for Module

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Version: 30 January 2008 posted by Scott on April 7, 2008.
Categories: Administration, Links
Downloaded 3247 times.
This script will allow you to create multiple link sets and mandatory link set pairings for a module to any module within the same project. The script could be modified to allow link sets to any module in the database, however I prefer to not allow linking outside of a project.

To note the script is designed to be run from the DOORS Explorer. For example you would select the source module in the DOORS Explorer and run the script. I have the script added to the right click menu and only visible to DOORS administrators. Obviously you will need to have edit access to the module, so if someone has the module opened in exclusive or shareable edit you will get a warning.

I use this when I have to create multiple linksets for one module as it can be time consuming and repetitive to do it in the module properties.

Basic instructions:

- Select your link module using the "Browse..." button. If there is a link module in the source module's folder it will automatically be selected.
- Select the target modules from the tree on the left, double clicking a module will add it to the "Selected Target Modules" list on the right. (Selecting a module that has all ready been selected will produce a warning box).
- Double clicking a module in the "Selected Target Modules" will remove it from the list.
- Click "OK" and your link sets will be created in the selected link module and mandatory link set pairings will be created in the selected module.

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