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Para Compare Versions

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Version: posted by ReinholdLauer on May 25, 2011.
Categories: Attributes, Baselines, Exporters
Downloaded 2517 times.

Para Compare Versions compares two versions in the same module or in different modules and produces a rich text file with the result. The output contains information about the versions and the attributes in the module(s), so that is can be seen what actually has been compared. The changes are shown as untangled markup to increase the readability. The differences can be shown in different colors and styles, like underlined/stroke through or not. A short summary is added at the end of the comparison.

The comparison is based on the absolute numbers, but the objects are compared in the order they are contained in the newer module. Deleted objects are inserted behind the previous predecessor. Deleted and inserted objects are shown completely and not only referenced by their absolute number.

All attributes of both modules or only selected ones can be compared. The attributes to compare can be selected according to regular expressions. Unchanged attributes or all main attributes can be included in the output to get a better picture of the context, in which a change has been made.

To compare the versions launch Para Compare Versions from a module. A brief help is included in the script. By the way, Para is just the abbreviation for the team I am working in – Product Adaptation Requirements and Architecture.

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